Mother’s Goosed!

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Oh, yes they are!
January 16, 2019
A Season of Celebrations
January 16, 2019
DSC01903 2
Oh, yes they are!
January 16, 2019
A Season of Celebrations
January 16, 2019
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Mother’s Goosed!

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The story of Mother Goose is possibly the oldest story to be turned into a pantomime, dating back to an ancient Greek legend about a goose that laid golden eggs. The pantomime of “Mother Goose” as we know it today is a mere 117 years old. It was first performed at Drury Lane Theatre, London in 1902, created especially for the leading comedian of the day – Dan Leno. It told the story that we know today, of a poor woman who befriends a magical goose that provides her with Golden Eggs. She is rich, but there is something she wants more than money – she wants to be young and beautiful. (it’

Our 2019 pantomime for grown-ups, Mother’s Goosed, is our own take on the traditional tale. Mother Goose is played by Andrew Robley, pictured (top) with son Billy, played by Vincent Hayes and above with Squire Thrustalot, aka Paul James.

Mother Goose does indeed befriend a magical goose – in the form of Phil Randall. Naturally, things don’t all go according to plan…

Luckily there is a Good Fairy on hand! Fairy Tiddlewink, played by Victoria Aindow, does battle with the Dirty Demon Dick, played by David Phipps-Davis. But we don’t want to spoil the story! Safe to say every panto’ has to have a happy ending!

Mother’s Goosed, Brick Lane Music Hall, January 23rd – March 9th. Left to right, Victoria Aindow, Andrew Robley,  Sam Sadler, Paul James, Lucy Reed, Betty Jones, David Phipps-Davis, Jordan Langford, Phil Randall, Ben Hutt and Vincent Hayes.