Commemoration and Celebration

IMG 6474
Remembrance Sunday
November 16, 2018
IMG 6683
Christmas starts here!
November 16, 2018
IMG 6474
Remembrance Sunday
November 16, 2018
IMG 6683
Christmas starts here!
November 16, 2018
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Commemoration and Celebration

IMG 6268

IMG 6268

There’ll Always Be An England – our wartime music hall show, takes on a special poignancy in 2018, one hundred years since the signing of the armistice that ended the First World War.

In this important centenary year, thousands of events are being planned all over the country. In the early morning of 11th November more than 3,000 bell towers across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will ring out a slow march, in solemn memory of those who lost their lives.

At about 12.30 pm the tone will change to open celebration to mirror the sense of jubilation and relief felt among the population at the end of the Great War. Bells will sound not just in the UK but across the world, with the British and German governments encouraging other countries to ring bells at the same times.

There will also be major events held this year in Westminster Abbey and in the Belgian city of Mons, likely to be attended by both Theresa May and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, while sixty heads of state, including Donald Trump are to attend ceremonies in Paris.

2018 also marks the centenary of the Royal Air Force and of the first women being given the vote in parliamentary elections – 10 years later, women finally got to vote on equal terms to men.

There’ll Always Be An England – A Wartime Music Hall Show. November 2nd – 10th 2018. Starring, left to right, Ben Goffe, Paul James, Lucy Reed, Chris Draper, Vincent Hayes, Victoria Aindow, Ben Hutt, Ciara Power.