Remembrance Sunday

There’ll Always Be An England
November 16, 2018
IMG 6268
Commemoration and Celebration
November 16, 2018
There’ll Always Be An England
November 16, 2018
IMG 6268
Commemoration and Celebration
November 16, 2018
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Remembrance Sunday

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Remembrance Sunday at Brick Lane Music Hall was a moving occasion, with staff and customers joining local families, dignitaries, the police and members of the Silvertown British Legion who marched to and from the service with a military pipe band. Pictured below, centre, Vincent Hayes MBE, with Deputy Mayor Cllr Paul Sathianesan and former Deputy Mayor Christine Bowden. Right, Vincent with Cllr Patrick Murphy and school children from Brittania Primary who sang at the event.

As well as the school children, who sang “Hero”, Andrew Robley sang “Let there be peace on Earth” during the service and recited a moving poem in Remembrance of the First World War. Ben Goffe played the last post to mark the two minute silence.

Among the many wreaths laid around the memorial was an RAF roundel laid by Brick Lane Music Hall regular, Robert Rogers.










After the service, Vincent provided tea and cakes for all, prepared and served by Music Hall staff who generously volunteered their services. Pictured below, the extraordinary Goffe family – top step, Ben, next step Rusty, then Jack and mother Sarah! Centre, the pipe band were among those enjoying tea inside the theatre. Right, Anthony Friggens, our main man on light and sound, with his grandma, Helen!