Box Office now Open!

January 16, 2021
20220114 120946
Panto Magic
January 18, 2022
January 16, 2021
20220114 120946
Panto Magic
January 18, 2022
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Box Office now Open!

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We couldn’t be more excited to announce that the Brick Lane Music Hall Box Office is now open!

We are taking bookings now for our exciting programme of shows coming up for the 2021-22 season.

Our first show is planned for November, when the theatre will be looking fully festive and ready to celebrate with our fun filled Christmas Show, Vincent’s Jinglebell Christmas. Booking now for these very special Christmas lunches, teas, and evening shows featuring a delicious three course traditional Christmas dinner and dancing until midnight.

The New Year starts with our annual pantomime for grown-ups, Robin Hood and His Camp Followers, followed by a full programme of shows throughout the year, including not only unique celebrations planned for 2022 for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, but also celebrations for Brick Lane Music Hall’s 30th Birthday!

See our  SHOW CALENDAR  for all show dates and times from November 2021 through to November 2022.

Please call the Box Office as soon as possible for all enquiries and to secure the dates of your choice.

The Box Office is open Monday – Friday, 10am-5pm.

020 7511 6655