
September 16, 2020
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Box Office now Open!
February 16, 2021
September 16, 2020
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Box Office now Open!
February 16, 2021
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After closing our doors just over a year ago, on March 17th 2020, Brick Lane Music Hall has been fearful for its very survival, especially when we were not successful in securing government funds last year.

We could not be more delighted therefore, to announce that in the current round of funding with the government’s Here for Culture initiative, “in support of our fantastic cinemas, theatres, music venues, museums, galleries and heritage”,  Brick Lane Music Hall has been thrown a lifeline and will receive much welcomed financial support from the Culture Recovery Fund.

This will mean that we will be ready to reopen our doors with our usual programme of exciting shows just as soon as the government and public safety allows.

Our first priority will be to reopen the Box Office to contact all of our customers with the dates of all of our planned shows to allow people to re-book the dates of their choice. Fingers crossed over the coming weeks we will be able to set a timetable for this.

In the meantime, we would like to thank all of our customers, and all of our friends, staff and artists for your continued loyalty and support.

Pictured above in the St Patrick’s Irish Music Hall Show, Vincent Hayes said of the funding “This has put a spring in our step. Now we can look forward to a bright future doing what we do best – bringing laughter and song to our audiences”.

Brick Lane Music Hall was established in 1992, “This is our first grant of this kind in 29 years. We are thrilled to have been acknowledged by the Arts Council in this way. One of the things I have learnt during lockdown is just how much this theatre means to audiences, staff and the local community alike.”

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As well as taking shows out to the elderly in the community, Brick Lane Music Hall works closely with many Newham schools. Chief Executive Officer of the Boleyn Trust group of East London schools, Tom Canning OBE, was keen to acknowledge the theatre’s contribution to social and community inclusion in the Borough “We are delighted that our commitment to diversity and inclusion has been recognised”.

Chair of the Trustees of Brick Lane Music Hall Charity, Christine Bowden, added “As Chair of Trustees of Brick Lane Music Hall Charity, I speak for all the community organisations supported by the Music Hall in thanking the Arts Council for enabling our wonderful work to return and flourish. The joy of music and laughter is the very best medicine for us all.”